Frequently Asked Questions
Placement Information
Access to the PPL Assessment and other math placement information for first-year students can be found in the Next Steps Center.
- The best thing you can do for yourself is to take the PPL assessment as early as possible.
- If you have not taken the PPL Assessment before New Student Orientation, you can take it after, but may need to make changes to your class schedule. Consult your academic advisor with any questions about your schedule or major requirements.
- The PPL Assessment is the math placement test that helps determine what math class to take in the fall. Learn more about the PPL Assessment in your Next Steps Center (Click on "Placements", then select "Math Placement" on the left). If your math placement section says "PPL Assessment Required", take it as soon as possible. This will help make sure you are placed in the correct math class when you get your schedule during New Student Orientation.
Yes, you can retest. There is no charge for your first two PPL attempts through the Next Steps Center. There is a fee for additional attempts to retake the PPL Assessment.
Program Specifics
Technically, you have one math class (Math 100 – Math Lab), but you will also have a learning support class (SAS 100AX).
No, both classes are just for fall semester (August–December).
We recommend talking with your academic advisor about math requirements specific to your major. Don’t know who your advisor is or how to contact them? Check your Student Center in UAccess—click on the 'Advising' button at the top toolbar and then select 'View Advisors.' You can also find your advisor at
If you are currently an undeclared major, no problem! You have an academic advisor too, and we recommend talking with them about math options.
Math 100 is structured to help you improve or refine the algebra skills you need to master. At the conclusion of Math 100 in the Fall, the final exam will determine which level of math you are eligible for in the Spring Semester. Your next math course will depend on your major.
We always encourage you to speak with your academic advisor if you want to understand more about your math options and graduation requirements. Please see for more information.
Because the 2-unit SAS 100AX course does not count toward your 120-unit graduation requirement, we recommend talking to your Academic Advisor to choose the appropriate course enrollment that fits with your degree requirements.
SAS 100AX doesn’t count towards overall GPA, however the units do count towards full-time status (12+units) for scholarships and other financial aid. Additionally, your SAS 100AX grade will appear on your official transcript.
You will be charged a Schedule for Success academic fee of $90 and the Math 100 course fee of $100. These fees will be charged to your Bursar’s account. All resources and academic support are free.
If you have a test score (PPL Assessment, SAT, ACT) or dual enrollment or other college math credit that places you out of MATH 100 email the following information to
- Name and Student ID number
- Reason you no longer qualify for Schedule for Success (test score)
- Proof of scores
Resources and Support
- For questions about Schedule for Success: Contact Amanda Keefe, Academic Coach, Senior by emailing
- For questions about math placement: Contact the Math Placement Office
For Math 100 help:
- The main way to contact Math 100 is via Microsoft Teams. You can find that contact information on the Math 100 D2L page.
- Attend Math 100 office hours. Check your Math 100 syllabus for times and locations.
- Attend free Math 100 drop-in tutoring at THINK TANK! Find all Math 100 drop-in hours and locations here.
Feel free to contact your Academic Coach or Peer Academic Coach (PAC) with any questions! Not sure who your Learning Specialist or PAC is? Contact us at
Your Academic Coach and Peer Academic Coach will email you at the beginning of fall semester to introduce themselves. They will also check in a couple times during the semester so be sure to check your CatMail regularly! Search your CatMail for “Academic Coach” or “Peer Academic Coach”. If you still cannot find their email, please contact us at
Academic Coaches are professional staff members dedicated to supporting students in a variety of ways. Some examples include listening to students’ successes and challenges in their new college environment, helping students adjust to college-level courses by collaborating on study strategies, time management plans, and organizational skills. Most importantly, Academic Coaches are here to be part of your network of support during your first year.
Due to the high volume of enrollment, Schedule for Success is not able to grant schedule change requests. If you have extenuating circumstances and require a time change, please contact Amanda Keefe, Academic Coach, Senior by emailing