Academic Skills Workshops for Engineering & Pre-Engineering Majors

Academic Skills Workshops for Engineering & Pre-Engineering Majors

Want to find a different way to manage your time, take notes, or prepare for exams? Join us for our special series of free Academic Skills workshops for Engineering and Pre-Engineering majors. Check out the schedule below!

Connecting via Zoom: You can connect to our workshops using the free Zoom video conferencing software.

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Upcoming Workshops

All workshops will be held on Thursdays from 3:00 – 4:00 pm MST. The current time is  .

To join a workshop: Please sign in to Zoom and then click

Do you ever find yourself procrastinating on assignments or studying until the very last minute? In this workshop we will discuss techniques such as the Steven Covey Time Matrix, Semester on a Page, The Ultimate Schedule, and how to make the most of to-do lists. This workshop is great for figuring out where all the time goes in the day and how to budget your time so you still have time for fun.

Math is a difficult subject for many students, but if you come to our Thriving in Math workshop, we’ll give you tips on how to pick a math class, how to take effective notes using the highly effective Cornell system, and what campus resources can help you when you’re struggling. Also, studying for math tests is different than studying for other tests, so we’ll go over some specific math test-taking strategies to help you succeed.

In this workshop, we will go over specific methods for how to prepare for tests more efficiently, including concept cards, flashcards, and crib sheets. Don’t waste any more of your time just reading over your notes and not being able to remember the material for your test. We’ll even go over information about what test preparation strategies work best for different subjects. If you come by our Test-Prep and Test-Taking Strategies Workshop, we can share some insight to make the whole testing experience less painful.

Tests are hard enough without the anxiety and stress that comes with them. In this workshop we’ll show you some relaxation methods to help conquer your anxiety, manage your stress, and stay cool-headed while taking exams. Learn about study techniques that minimize anxiety and how to mimic your test environment to calm your nerves before your test.

Preparing for final exams can be difficult, but if you come to our Preparing for Final Exams workshop, then we can show you several ways to make your final exams less stressful. From study methods like learning how to effectively utilize flashcards to time management techniques, like the 8-day study plan. We have the tools to make this round of final exams your most successful and least stressful yet!

More Academic Skills Workshops

Interested in learning more about how you can improve your study skills and strategies? Our Academic Skills Tutors give online workshops twice a week, open to all University of Arizona students. Click the button below to view the full workshop schedule for Fall 2020.

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